Калькулятор мощности для моего дома
1Standard Light Bulb 75 W
1Energy Saving Light Bulb 20 W
1Outdoor Light Bulb 100 W
1Television (color) 51 screen 300 W
1Refrigerator 500 W
1Oven 700 W
1Dishwasher 500 W
1Washing Machine 1.150 W
1Clothes Dryer (electric) 5.750 W
1Electric Cookers 2.100 W
1Coffee Maker 1.000 W
1Freezer 400 W
1Electric Heater 1.500 W
1Computer 800 W
1LCD Television 500 W
1DVD Player 100 W
1Air Conditioner (12000 BTU) 3.250 W
1AM/FM Radio 50 W
1Sound System 500 W
1Hair Dryer 1.200 W
1Iron 1.200 W
1Vacuum Cleaner 1.200 W
1Fan 200 W
1Combi 170 W
1Lift 25.000 W
1Garage Door Opener (1/4 HP) 550 W
1Security System 1.000 W
1Electric Saws 1.500 W
1Drill 1.000 W
1Water Pump 1.000 W
I know the power I need
You can select the power you need by checking electrical appliances or if you know the power you consume, you can enter the upper field.